Exploring the Carbon Cycle: What It Is and How It Works

What Is the Carbon Cycle?

The carbon cycle is an important part of the Earth's climate system. The cycle involves the exchange of carbon between the atmosphere, land, and oceans. The land and oceans each have carbon sinks which store atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) for some time before it is released and cycles through again. It is an essential process for supporting life on Earth and overall environmental health. This relationship can be complex and takes long periods to study. However, a few simple explanations can make this topic more clear.

How the Carbon Cycle Works

Terrestrially, carbon is captured and stored in plants and soil. Plants use photosynthesis to capture CO2 and produce food. Animals consume the plants and then release the carbon back into the atmosphere through respiration and decay. Big contributions to atmospheric carbon also come from the burning of fossil fuels and volcanic eruptions.

The ocean is also a key player in the carbon cycle, acting as the biggest carbon sink for CO2. Similarly to land, phytoplankton and algae use photosynthesis to capture CO2. Marine biota consumes phytoplankton and algae, eventually dying and becoming sedimentary carbonates. Deep water upwelling drives the carbonates to the surface, releasing the carbon back into the atmosphere.

Carbon cycle


Human Contributions to the Carbon Cycle

Humans have been significantly impacting the carbon cycle since the Industrial Revolution. Adding major CO2 contributions through the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Couple that with the destruction of natural carbon sinks, such as peatlands, and the Earth's climate is drastically changing. That's why at Mitigation Partners Inc. (MPI) strives to restore natural carbon sinks. Aiming to make a difference locally and globally.

Let’s get started!

Contact Mitigation Partners, Inc. (MPI) today with your ecological restoration and carbon offset needs. Our team is ready with answers and expert services to bring your vision to life.

Mitigation Partners, Inc. Founders Dax Dickson & Tory Christensen


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