Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program Methodologies Overview

Our Research

Mitigation Partners Inc. (MPI) is aspiring to restore thousands upon thousands of acres of drained and ditched peatland in Northern Minnesota. In our research to figure out how to put our restoration aspirations into reality, MPI came across Verra’s, Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) program methodologies. Within their methodology stockpile lies a treasure in the form of  “Methodology for Rewetting Drained Temperate Peatlands” which can be found here. After reading and re-reading this methodology MPI came to understand this would be our template to restore peatlands and help mitigate the effects of climate change.  

Why This Methodology?

Methodologies within the carbon offset project realm, or any research based discipline, are of utmost importance. They are what define the processes being followed, the requirements being satisfied, the way to assess additionality, and how to quantify greenhouse gas emissions being removed or reduced. Using a well defined and verified methodology can ensure the success of a project.

Verra and their VCS program is the leading GHG crediting program available in the world. In using their methodology and going through the VCS program MPI can do restoration work that MPI feels great about. Work that utilizes nature-based solutions  which will benefit communities across our state, improve biodiversity, and mitigate climate change. Work that is high quality, impactful, and delivers a product that makes a genuine difference. MPI feels confident the VCS program’s methodology on drained peatlands will deliver these results, helping to build a better Minnesota, one peatland at a time. 

Mitigation Partners, Inc. Founders Dax Dickson & Tory Christensen


Carbon Markets: Compliance Vs. Voluntary


Rewetting Drained Temperate Peatlands Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Methodology: Project Boundary